Crypto Investing Tid-Bits ๐Ÿ“ˆ ๐Ÿ“Š ๐Ÿ“‰

5 min readMay 22, 2018


Below is a summary of a presentation I did at a Crypto Cooperative meetup. I am by no means stating that I am an authority or professional. These are just some resources I have found useful that I hope others might find useful. This is a broad overview of resources and tools that can be utilized. All stats were based on the date of the presentation, 5/1/18. This is not investment advice, consult a professional.

The most popular exchanges for purchasing Crypto w. Fiat (USD):

Coinbase, GDAX (*no trading fees), Kraken & Gemini

The Process:

Do KYC (Drivers License, Selfie) Set Up Google 2FA, Link Bank Account.

Lead time to validated & get funds into account can be up to 2 weeks

Tools on Exchange:

Price Chart and Depth Chart (Order Books)

GDAX Price Chart/Candles

GDAX Depth Chart

Most popular foreign exchanges for purchasing alt coins by volume on Coin Market Cap:

1. Binance 6. Bitfinex 7. Bittrex (I personally DO NOT recommend)

The Process:

Do KYC (Passport, Selfie), Set Up Google 2FA, Link Fiat Exchange.

Lead time to validated & get funds into account can be up to 2 weeks

Tools on Exchange:

Price Chart, Depth Chart (Order Books) & Indicators

It is a bad idea to use your credit card to buy crypto. Be weary of 3rd party apps that buy Crypto for you

Binance Advanced Trading Window

Fun Facts about the Crypto Market

Crypto is in itโ€™s infancy as an emerging market.

Tech Bubble peaked at $2.9 Trill. Crypto at $414Bill, Peak $841 Bill

Foreign exchanges are unregulated by the US.

If there is a hack, your money is gone.

You have to use Crypto to trade in and out of Foreign Exchanges.

BTC, ETH and LTC are the top assets used to move crypto

ICOโ€™s have raised $10,507,707,840 to date

2018 funding has already passed all of 2017


Crypto Investing Resources:


Crypto Bobby, Coin Mastery/Carter Thomas, Data Dash, The Chart Guys

Podcasts (iTunes/GooglePlay/WebStream):

Laura Shin โ€” Unchained & Unconfirmed, The Flipping, Crypto Street, Bad Crypto

Specific Episodes:

Ari Paul interview on Crypto Bobby Chris Berneske on Unchianed

Ari Nazir on The Flippening Crypto Donny on Crypto Bobby

Crypto Street Podcast โ€” Ep. 29 Notsofast Ep. 31 Mansa Godson Ep. 34 Crypto deโ€™ Medici

Three Major Market Dimensions:

Technical Analysis (TA): Charts & Indicators (above image from Binance)

Fundamental Analysis: Section Below

Manipulation: The act of artificially inflating or deflating the price of an investment.

The Crypto Market is very susceptible to manipulation because it is unregulated and very new.

Fundamental Analysis:

Read the Whitepaper (a doc explaining project, ranging 10โ€“80 pages): Project Road Map, Allocation of fund (Discount for Pre-sale), Use-case

Research the Team, who are the leads, who are the advisors:Go to their linked in pages. Google Search. If the team does not reference the project, this is a red flag. If the teams Linked in is not on the projects website, this is a red flag

Look at their Social Media/Comm ChannelsTelegram is an industry standard in the space, sometime the company has more than one channel. Slack/Discord is good for the development team. Twitter is good for company updates. YouTube Channel for demos.Medium for blog posts.

Resources:, Crypto Bobby Fundamental Research

Publicity: Who is talking about this project and what are they saying

GitHub Commits: You do not need to be a programmer to look at GitHub. What is

important is how active and what is going on with the commits.

How does the team/community react to adverse news? Do they point fingers, ignore or meet the issue head-on

How strong is the community? If the project is worthless and their is a cult like

community that will never back down, it might be a good short term investment

Join our Telegram come to our meet ups!!! No, but seriously. Having a group of people that you can talk to and bounce ideas off of is priceless. I have met great people from all over the world (Brazil) that share the crypto bug.

WARNING: Cut out the noise. DO NOT LISTEN TO MAIN STREAM MEDIA. CNBC is literally the laughing stock of Crypto. Listen to people that resonate with you and your lifestyle. Be weary of scams or to-good-to-be-true deals/projects. Bookmark ALL of the

exchanges you use, do not get caught in phishing scam. i.e. a website that looks like the legit one but is not

Keeping your Crypto Secure:

Cold Storage: Offline

Hot Storage: Online

Different Wallets: Desktop and Mobile, Attached to exchanges and indepenedent

Hardware Wallets: Trezor, Ledger, etc


Address/Public Key: Goes to your wallet (Public Info)

Private Key: Access to your wallet (Private Info)

Back them up on a printed sheet of paper

The Reality of the market:



EMA: Exponential Moving Average

SMA: Simple Moving Average

Stop Loss: Setting a pre-determined price that you sell at automatically

Stopped Out: Your Stop Loss is hit and the chart runs in in the direction

you wanted. Basically meaning you miss out on profits

Whales: Individual people that own a lot of crypto and can potentially move the market.

Market Makers: People that buy and sell specific coins to to create liquidity

Pump and Dumps: Groups of people that coordinate artificially raising

the price and then โ€œdumpingโ€ it on un-knowing investors that buy as it goes down.

Beta: A measure of volatility in comparison to the market as a whole

Alpha: the performance or active return on an investment

Comparing Beta and Alpha

Strategies: Trending Following, Buying on Support Selling on Resistance

OTC: Over The Counter. How institutions or big money invest


Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investorโ€™s Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond

The Four Pillars of Investing: Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio

The Complete TurtleTrader: How 23 Novice Investors Became Overnight Millionaires Market Wizards, Updated: Interviews With Top Traders




Data Driven w/ strong Fundamentals, crypto evangelist, never ending learner, music and art nerd. I also play good tunes for cool people. twitter:@adamgdev